AED Cabinets & Accessories
Ensure your AED defibrillator can be easily located in an emergency

Built to cope with the challenges of the British climate
Sturdy metal bracket is ideal for mounting any AED on a wall
Contains the basic items typically required for an AED emergency
Ideal for use with the I-PAD but will hold other models too
9" Standard alarmed wall cabinet for Zoll AED Plus
Provides guidance and assurance regarding the use of an AED
Sign fully approved and recommended by the Resuscitation Council UK (RESUS) and British Heart Foundation (BHF)
Inform your staff of the importance of maintaining your life saving AED’s
This Maintenance Record Book keeps you compliant and provides the perfect solution for recording your regular AED checks
This complete maintenance kit allows you to introduce simple defibrillator checks ensure your life saving equipment is in optimal condition
Create an easy to identify focal point to ensure your AED can be easily accessed

Ideal storage perfect for housing AED Defibrillators like the I-PAD SP1 Automatic AED